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Live Events

I've worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade, specializing in Lighting. My experience includes touring with artists as an LD, designing and production managing one-off corporate events, programming and running Off-Broadway shows, and much more...

Lighting Designer/Programmer/Operator

3d Artistry

In 2020, when the Live Events industry halted work due to the pandemic, I found myself with some extra free time. In that time, I took it upon myself to learn how to use 3d applications for quality rendering. These applications include Blender, Capture, and the Unreal Engine, since all 3 have some variation of DMX integration, which was my primary knowledge base for lighting control. Now, these programs are a vital part of my workflow, and have been utilized for a variety of projects.


Blender was the first 3d modeling/rendering program that I used for projects outside of the live entertainment industry. What started as a COVID lockdown hobby has turned into a passion of mine, and a freelance career in Arch-Viz.Here's a collection of my works created in Blender:

Unreal Engine

The Unreal Engine is a well-known real-time rendering engine that began as a video game engine, and is now used in many different industries. After helping beta-test the DMX plug-in back in 2020, I have used Unreal as a high-end pre-viz engine for my AV install work, as well as some Arch-Viz rendering for Commercial clients.


Capture is a 3d rendering program used in the entertainment industry by Lighting Designers. It has a large collection of industry-standard lighting fixtures, as well as theatrical accessories and lighting techniques. I have used this program for years as a way to pre-program touring lighting shows, and have also used it as a concept showcase for AV installations.Here's a collection of my works created in Capture:

CAD Drafting

Drafting projects has been a part of my show-prep routine since 2013, when I started out in Vectorworks. Since then, I have expanded my drafting skills to include Revit, and have drafted a wide variety of designs, from Architectural retrofits to full AV builds.